Nov 04 2007

Bodiam Castle

Published by at 3:27 am under Castles

This is the first post in what I hope to be a series on castles I’ve visited.

Here we have one of my all-time favorite castles. Bodiam Castle is located near the River Rother in East Sussex in South East England. This picturesque castle was built in the late 14th century by Sir Edward Dalyngrygge as a fortification against invasion from France.

Below are some photographs I took of Bodiam Castle (35mm Fuji Velvia 100 ISO).


The castle features cylindrical towers on each corner of its square construction. The symmetrical design is complimented by rectangular towers in the middle of each wall. The Southern tower at one time featured a drawbridge that extended out over the wide moat. On the opposite side is the gatehouse which now serves as the primary entrance to the castle.


To me, this castle really symbolizes medieval castle architecture with its moat, towers, crenellations, battlements, gatehouse, and draw bridge. Interestingly, the castle does not feature a keep so the outer walls provide the only line of defense.


The castle has been featured in films such as Monty Python and the Holy Grail and even appeared in a Doctor Who episode.

Castles have always fascinated me at both a historical and architectural level. They served as defensive structures, centers for social activities, homes to kings and queens, and are one of the most powerful symbols of the middle ages. There is also the fairytale/romantic aspect that sparks my imagination with images of knights, ladies, chivalry, and adventure.

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